Wednesday, June 30, 2004

lovely day

Happy Hump Day folks!!

We accomplished soooo much today that I feel like dancing around the house. Our bedroom looks terrific. Ever since LOG moved in, we've had these extra pieces of furniture kicking around the upstairs hallway and our bedroom. They didn't go to goodwill because we weren't entirely sure that we weren't going to use them, we just couldn't figure out what we'd use them for. One of the items was a semi-ugly black cabinet that LOG brought with him, the other was a computer desk that my folks gave us (it's actually nice but we weren't sure where to put it). Anyway, at long last, we found a use for the black cabinet, the computer desk is out of the way and our bedroom is totally clean and tidy and it almost looks like it belongs to two grown-ups and not two teenagers who have inherited tonnes of crap from their parents. We also fixed our two wonky dressers and the room looks just fabulous!!

Now that the bedroom is sorted out, we'll spend tomorrow morning re-arranging computer desk and finishing up our big clean up. I've still got some boxes to sort through in our office but the biggest part of it will be done and our handy man is coming on Saturday morning to help complete the wiring part of it. Getting organized feels so good, I'm always kind of disgusted with myself for putting it off for so long when we finally get around to finishing a project.

Last night, after dinner, actually sort of right before bed, we took a nice stroll around the neighbourhood. The weather has been just gorgeous all week and it was so nice to get out and do a good, steady walk, without being fried by the sun or bitten by bugs. This is a terrific time of the year!! This morning I slept in a little bit but I stuck to my same-old routine. I worked out and had breakfast right after. My workout was terrific and I felt great afterwards. The moving of furniture and heavy cleaning followed and right now, I feel really strong and healthy.

For a treat (and because we've been dying to see it, we saw Fahrenheit/911 this afternoon. I wrote a bit about that experience on my regular blog if you're interested. It was the first time in a long time that I'd been to one of the new movie theatres (when we saw Super Size me a couple of weeks ago, that didn't count because it was in an arthouse place that had old/comfy seats). I'd been a little nervous about going to the mega-plex because the last time I'd been in one (in 1999), my ass did not fit comfortably into the seat (what with those stupid cup holder things and all). I was really happy to discover that my still huge ass fit into the seat pretty well. I could actually put a drink into the cupholder while seated. It's silly, but it was very cool for me!! Seeing how we had worked through lunch, I decided that I was going to have unbuttered popcorn and a diet coke for lunch. Not the healthiest of choices I know but it was really yummy and I counted every calorie. I just calculated what I ate today and I came in under my daily allowance for today. I may just treat myself to some strawberries later on (we got some more locals yesterday and they are divine!).

Overall, I'm really pleased with myself and how well I've been coping with the time off this week. Last Friday, I was a little nervous about facing a whole week without a routine. As we all know, lack of routine can spell chaos for those of us on this journey. I also wanted to say thank you to all of you lovely folks who have been leaving me such encouraging comments and sending sweet emails my way. The support and encouragement that I've been receiving means more to me than you'll ever know!

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