Saturday, June 12, 2004

slow moving saturday

Today started out great. I got up early, did some exercise, started to clean out our bedroom closet (it was a disaster area). When I was going to bed last night, I felt a twinge in my back, where I usually feel it, on the odd occasion that I have trouble with it. It was still there when I woke up this morning but I kept moving, thinking it would work itself out.

It didn't. I've been hobbling around all afternoon. We went out to do some errands this afternoon and it was incredibly painful. When I got home, I got right on the heating pad. When we were out, I treated myself to season 1 of Sex in the City (because, if you can believe it, I'd never seen an entire episode but was dying to). It's so good and it totally made me feel better. My back's a little looser now but I'm still walking crooked. Hopefully I'll be better tomorrow. It doesn't ordinarily last longer than a couple of days. It hasn't happened in months so I'm not complaining too loudly. I'm really just glad that I got my closet done and finished 3 loads of laundry before the worst of it set in. I still have 2 more loads to do tomorrow but I know that my hunny will help me out with them, he's really wonderful when I'm not feeling well. Heck, he's pretty wonderful all of the time. I'm really lucky!!

Oh, btw, we both weighed in this morning and we're both down another 2 pounds each this week. Yay us!! 6 more pounds to virgin fat territory!!

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