Wednesday, July 28, 2004

checking in

I wish I had lots to report right now, but I don't. 

I worked today and probably shouldn't have.  Really, I should have probably stayed home on Monday but I couldn't.  I am booked out next week for some more vacation (yeah, I know it probably seems like I've been off more than I'm working this summer but I wasn't able to take two weeks in a row so I've been spreading it out all over the place) and I have a crap load of stuff that needs to be sorted out before I go.  I would love to be home in bed sleeping and (hopefully) breathing but it's not happening.

Anyway, I did feel like eating this morning so I had breakfast.  I didn't workout but that's only because of that pesky breathing thing.  I'm sure that I'll be fine in a day or two but right now, all I wanna do is sleep.

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