Wednesday, August 04, 2004

happy hump day

So far this week, I haven't gotten too far off of my routine. The most crucial piece of that is getting to bed and waking up at my normal times. This morning I was up before the sun. I had to take my hunny to work so I could have the car later on and when I got home, I went for a great walk. It was really misty and hazy this morning as the sun was coming up. There was all this fog in the cemetery up at the end of our street and it looked very cook with the big pink sun popping up on the horizon. The air was really cool and clean this morning too; it was a refreshing change after the humidity yesterday.

Looking back over the past week, I am still feeling good about the numbers. This morning, when I got home from my walk, our connection had improved and I was able to go back over the weekend and update everything in fitday. Except for a couple of days where I went maybe 75 calories over what I normally would have had, I did very well. Given the number of meals I missed last week when I was sick, it all averaged out to be less than normal.

After finishing my calculations this morning, I was feeling brave. I actually pulled the scale out and hopped on this morning. Given that I hadn't done any "proper" scheduled exercise last week when I was sick, I was half-way expecting to see a big gain. Looking at my numbers for last week, that wouldn't have really made any sense but it was something I felt. Anyway, I'm happy to report that I maintained. I was really shocked and feel very good about it. A loss is always better than a maintain but, when you have a week like I had last week, maintaining is excellent!! I'm not holding my breath that I'll show a loss this weekend when I "officially" weigh-in but you never know right?? Stranger things could happen!!

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