Tuesday, August 31, 2004

here! I mean, present!

Thought I'd quickly pop in say hello and not much else.

There really isn't any news to report. Today was Tuesday when I got up, it's still Tuesday now. Wishing myself to be a good writer, someone who has endless interesting things to say and is able to articulate them in a way that is engaging and funny is not going to make it so. I'm trying to keep my head down and stay focused but it's difficult right now.

My recumbent bike started making a funny noise the other day so I haven't been able to ride it the past couple of days. I've been walking outside when I can but it's not the same as getting on that bike first thing in the morning and getting rid of my stress before the day starts. I know that this is contributing to what I'm feeling, partly. I can't really get into what's happening in great graphic detail, not right now anyway.

I'll just leave it at this: stuff is busy and I'm really distracted by things that are a lot more important to me than this blog at the moment. I'm sorry about that. You'll just have to bear with me until my head clears and I have more stuff to say.

I found the manual for the bike and we're going to try to repair it tomorrow, that should help. I really really really need it back in working order, soon. Like before I loose my fucking mind.

Anyway, hope everyone's having a good week so far. Ciao for now.

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