Wednesday, February 26, 2003

Hump Day again...that means it's Weigh-In Wednesday

Playing Favourites

1. What is your favourite heathy food?
I don't have one really. Everything we're eating right now is very healthy, I just love good food that is tasty and fresh.

2. What is your favourite "treat" food (secret indulgence, if you will) ?
Again, there isn't anything in particular. I absolutely love chocolate but have only had one small piece of it since I began this new plan.

3. What is your favourite way to exercise?
Walking, swimming or biking. I have a recumbent bike which I ride regularly and I also enjoy walking because it's something that I can do anywhere, anytime and I don't need any special equipment (just a good pair of shoes). Swimming has long been a favourite activity. I'm a very strong swimmer and enjoy it so it never feels like a workout when I've done it!

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