Friday, February 28, 2003

It's Friday again, I actually survived my week, it's a miracle. Well, I don't really believe in miracles but it's a surprise I guess is a better way to put it.

This week there was a whole lot of particularly nasty shit going on at work. On Monday, and again on Thursday, coworkers of mine were fired. Nice huh? As I'm sure you can imagine, it created an atmosphere that you could cut with hedge trimmers. It was not nice. I think that my job is safe for now but who knows. These things are not based on money or merit, they seem to be completely based on personality (i.e. if someone up top doesn't like you -- or, someone from down below who happens to have the ear of said top person doesn't like you -- they can get rid of you). People as disposable commodities, charming huh? Almost as good as the term "collateral damage" to describe "accidental" military deaths of allies. Anyway, it resulted in us having a security guard sitting in our office all week. That in itself wasn't terrible, he was a really friendly and nice guy and fortunately, nothing happened to justify him being there ("better to be safe than sorry") but all the same, an extra body in our already cramped space was not ideal.

Something interesting to note is that through this difficult week I have had PMS but have exhibited almost no symptoms, except for slight fatigue (which could also be caused in part by the immense stress I've felt). I have also had none of my usual PMS cravings, salt, chocolate...that sort of thing. Weird huh? Maybe it's because I'm not eating the truly crap carbs so my body isn't asking me for them. I'm not minding it though, trust me. Last night, I felt sick from all of this, totally stressed, shaky. I got on my bike and turned on Dr Phil and just rode and rode. Eventually, the stress began to subside and I felt like eating the dinner that hubby was making. I felt a bit better at work today too, the exercise I think, helped me to put things into perspective somehow. I'm not sure exactly, endorphins maybe? Whatever it's been that has been helping me get through this, I'm thankful for it. I'm going to try to put it all out of my mind over the weekend. Tomorrow I'm spending the day with a friend of mine and I'm really looking forward to some "girl time." I think I'm going to have a great weekend! Hope you all have a great weekend too!!

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