Saturday, February 15, 2003

It was totally freezing here today. It was so sunny though that it was really deceiving. I was outside this morning for a little bit, putting seed into my bird feeder, and thought about going for a walk. When I saw how iced over our sidewalk was and how narrow the street was though, I changed my mind. Hopefully tomorrow it will warm up a bit and I'll get a walk in.

Despite the weather though, I did get a fair bit of exercise in though: I did a lot of housework today, up and down the stairs, carrying heavy stuff up and down, that kind of thing. After I got my cleaning done, I was a little wiped out and felt like having a nap. Instead of doing that though, I went downstairs, turned the TV on and got on my bike. We have a recumbent bike. We've had it since November I guess. We bought a bike last May and really liked it. Unfortunately, it broke and the store couldn't get it fixed so they gave us an "upgraded" bike as a replacement. At first, I didn't like it as much as I did the first one but I'm really digging it now. I've only really been seriously riding it since Christmas. I was so out shape in January that I've just been pedalling it 15 to 30 minutes a day, on about 6 resistance. It's been good for me, I've felt better for doing it. I notice a big difference when I'm going up and down the stairs here at home for example. Anyway, today, for the first time, I tried one of the "life cycle" programs on it and I was able to do the whole thing. It was a 20 minute program and it was a lot more challenging than what I had been doing, even though the resistance was lower. I could really feel my thigh muscles as I was getting near the end of it. I feel really good now and don't think I need a nap anymore!!

Had a good eating day too. I've been trying to build up my fruit and veg intake and cut back on my protein and today was a good day for that. We had a really delicious supper tonight, a stir fry with cellophane noodles instead of rice. They were really really yummy, so was the broccoli. When I was a kid, you couldn't pay me to eat broccoli and now, I could eat it twice day (and often do!). The best thing about today was that it was a Saturday and I wasn't tempted to have a "treat" a piece of chocolate or some microwave popcorn. The weekends are slowly getting easier for me!

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