Sunday, June 29, 2003

Good morning all...I'm just getting that under the wire. As I type it, it's a little before noon and I've not yet been up for 2 hours. Bad huh?? Feels pretty good though.

When I open my browser, my home page is I like to get the headlines from all over, in one spot. I read other sites too, the local paper, the NY times. This weekend, I've chuckled every time I opened my IE though, the health headlines this weekend are the ultimate in lame. Check this out:

The first story on the list was: Serious Spousal Spats Spike Blood Pressure. Can I get a "duh" from the crowd, please?

Article two: Listen Up, Ladies: Long, Lush Locks Lure Lovers. Who paid for this study? Clairol? What a stupid thing to have studied!!

The third article was deceiving: Men Can Benefit from Kegel Exercises, Too. At first read I though, hell yah they do, hello? The article is actually about how men can do them themselves, not benefit when us girls do it. The headline was a doozy though, wasn't it?

The last one was also a no brainer: Study: Sugary Drinks Help Children Get Fat. That's like me calling the paper and shouting "stop the presses...Eating too much ice cream will go straight to your hips!!"

I'm hoping that they are just pulling these stories out of their butts because things are slow from the approaching holiday. Yikes, what won't pass for news these days!?

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