Tuesday, August 05, 2003

Back to work today. It's busy and the day is flying by. I have to say that I'm looking forward to the fall. August is proving to be hot and sticky and disgusting, weather-wise. I'm finding that my energy is easily zapped when it's like this. If I wasn't working out first thing in the morning, I know that I would not be doing it lately.

I had a tough time getting up this morning. The mornings are growing darker and darker and I know that this is making me want to sleep later. I'll adjust to it again, I did last fall, it's just weird waking up in the dark again. I worked out this morning and yesterday as well. I feel a lot better for it. Eating was okay yesterday, it's going better today. Getting back to work always makes it easier to stay on track. We're going to stop off at the store after work to stock up on more fresh veggies for dinner.

I go back to the doctor again for my monthly weigh-in / check-in(up) with her. I'm not showing a huge loss this month but I'm down a bit (which makes me so happy -- at least it's not up!). I really like checking in with her, she's always so positive and upbeat and she reminds me of all the good reasons that I should be (and am) doing this!

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