Saturday, April 12, 2003

Too many veggies?

Do you think it is possible to ingest too many vegetables in one day? I'm wondering if I did just that yesterday, or I ate the wrong combination of veggies or something. Yesterday, I had a great day, tonnes and tonnes of exercise, bang on good eating. I worked out in the morning and then spent the best part of the day running up and down stairs and moving boxes around at work. We had a clean up day in our office. This was good for us because we are still settling in to our new offices and we had a lot of unpacking and rearranging of stuff to do. I had woke up with a stiff neck yesterday morning but it didn't really bother me much during the day, I think because I kept moving.

For meals, I had my usual breakfast of cereal and soy milk and my coffee when I get to work. For lunch I had yummy leftovers from the previous night's stir fry. We were supposed to take our little old guy out for dinner last night but he wasn't feeling up to it. We decided to go anyway. In the car, on the way to the restaurant I felt terrific, really full of energy and proud of what I had accomplished during the day. I was also starving! We went to our favourite Chinese buffet place and everything looked super fresh. I loaded up on veggies and tofu, a bit of steamed rice and some chicken. It all tasted amazing but I noticed that I filled up rather quickly. Before we left the restaurant I mentioned that I felt really bloated and distended and I couldn't get comfortable. My neck had started bothering me again and I sort of chalked it up to that.

When I got home, I sat down in front of the computer and was visiting the weigh-better board when I was hit was this intense pain in my abdominal area. I was between my navel and the bottom of my boobs and it hurt like hell. I started belching and that relieved it a bit but I still felt absolutely terrible, the worst kind of pain I had ever experienced in my life. I didn't have cramps, I wasn't sweating or nauseous, I knew it couldn't be food poisoning, it just felt like really bad gas. It was in my back too, I felt like my ribs would explode. I was in so much pain that I was actually in tears. I couldn't get comfortable. Standing was bad, sitting was bad, laying on left side - bad, laying on right side - bad, back - bad, tummy - really bad...I just rocked back and forth and tried to burp to get it out. My SO was downstairs watching TV and heard me whimpering and crying and came upstairs. I had him get me some diet ginger ale and that really helped. After 3 cans I was belching a lot and eventually the colour came back to my face and the pain subsided. The whole episode lasted about 2 hours. I fell asleep eventually and when I woke up, it was as if it had never happened.

This morning we were trying to figure it out and I think I just had some badass broccoli gas attack. It was really scary. This morning, my neck is hurting but my stomach is fine. I was a little nervous to eat breakfast but that was almost 2 hours ago and I'm fine. I had never experienced anything like that before in my life and I don't care to again.

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