Wednesday, July 09, 2003

so healthy that I'll make ya want to puke!

I had the most awesome doctor's appointment. I totally love my doctor, she rawks.

We were going over my blood work (which, by the way is perfect!! no diabetes, no thyroid, no nuttin' hunny!) and she gets down to the cholesterol numbers (the ones I was most concerned about -- not that I'd had trouble in the past but just because so many folks I know have high-cholesterol) and says, "you're genes are awesome." She explained to me that she suffers from high cholesterol and that she's inherited it from her mum. This is a tiny woman who works out every day, sometimes twice (she swims every day and golfs a couple of times a week), eats no dairy, very low fat, does all the right stuff AND is on meds for it and still has scary-high cholesterol. She told me that even with all of that, and the meds, her cholesterol would never be close to what mine is. I have ridiculously low cholesterol and that's genetic. She informed me that none of the fat on my body is anywhere remotely near my heart and that the fat I do have is totally lose-able. We went over my program together, in great, graphic detail and she was really impressed with what I was doing.

She affirmed that everything I'm doing is smart and healthy and that by starting this now, at my age, is just going to help me maintain the quality of my life for a good long time. She actually told me that she was proud of me, of what I was doing and that I came to it on my own. I explained again to her how this is now my lifestyle and how it's not a diet and she complimented me on my attitude. Something that she stressed, a lot, was how lucky I was and how important a supportive partner is in all of this and she's bang on right. If my hunny wasn't doing this with me and didn't understand what it was all about, I couldn't do it. I know that. I'm going to continue to see her and weigh-in once a month and carry on with what I'm doing. She told me that with patience, there is no reason for me to not reach my goals and I know this. It took a long time for me to gain it all, it's going to take me a while to get it off and I'm okay about that. I know that the slower I lose it, the better my shot is at keeping it off.

Wednesday Weigh-In:

Do you have any weigh-in day rituals?

I weigh-in on Saturdays now. I get up and try to move around a bit and make sure that I use the bathroom before I do it. I get on the scale and just do it. I walk back to the office and type in whatever the number is. I type it in on Fitday, on my yahoo diet page, in my weigh-in chart and in BMI chart. After weigh-in, I measure myself and record all of this. As it happens, Saturday is also my official day off each week so, while I don't go nuts, I don't worry about working out or counting every morsel that goes into my mouth. More often than not, I end up working out and stay within my caloric limits but it's nice to know that if I'm really craving something "bad," I can have it on Saturday. Other than that, I don't really think I have any other "ritualistic" behavior to accompany my weigh-in.

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