Tuesday, July 22, 2003


I'm feeling really crummy at the moment. Actually, I'm feeling crampy. TOM is being excessively weird this month. 10 days ago, I had killer PMS from hell. I thought TOM started a week ago Saturday because, hello, I was bleeding and had gone through a terrible bout of chocolate cravings (which, sadly, I gave into). This was odd because it was like 4 days early (and I'm NEVER early). I was supposed to start properly last Tuesday. For the past week, I've been merely drizzling off and on. Tonight, things got moving with a vengeance. I'm glad. I hate when it's wishy washy. This usually happens when I'm stressed about stuff. I don't feel like I've been overly stressed about anything in particular but I do know (thinking about right now) that there are a number of small things that I'd had on my mind over the past month. Tiny on their own, piled up together they could cause my period to get wonky. Who knows, maybe I can't really read a calendar (or remember exactly when I thought it last happened) and I'm right on time. Somehow, I don't think so. What I do know is that it's here, big time, and I'm all crampy. Lucky for me, I'm crampy at bedtime so I can Aleve myself and konk out for 8 hours. This totally explains why I've been so tired for the past week. I can't imagine what it would be like if I'd not been taking my vitamins every day (like a good girl!). I'm sorry if this is more information about my cycle than you'd all care to read. I guess it's not out of line here though as my cycle does affect my energy level which controls how much I work out and how good I am at resisting tempting foods.

I did workout this morning. I did eat okay all day. I haven't figured out the calories yet but we had dinner at home (a REALLY yummy stir fry of lean pork loin and lots of gorgeous, colourful peppers with broccoli & zucchini). Tomorrow night we have to take the little old guy out for groceries so we'll probably be at the Chalet for dinner. Not exactly exciting cuisine but I know I can eat on plan there. I think I'm going to go medicate myself and crawl into bed. 'night-y 'night all!

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