Thursday, May 22, 2003

I'm so glad that I worked out this morning, early. I woke up feeling good, a little tired but good. Got lite-version of workout in, had excellent breakfast (with lovely fresh strawberries)...morning was sailing along... tickity-boo. TOM had arrived yesterday and felt not horrible, which was odd, I'm usually a crampy mess for about first 12 hours. Then, mid-morning today, blammo, felt like crap. The cramp truck hit me in a bad way. I knew I was going home for lunch today so I didn't have any food with me, I took a calcium/magnesium pill and an ibuprofen in an attempt to feel better and just ended up feeling worse due to pill / empty tummy combo. When I got home for lunch and actually ate, the pills had kicked in and I felt much better. I am very glad that I didn't wait until after work to workout though because it just wouldn't have happened.

I'm thinking that this may have been because of yesterday. It was our little-old-guy's official birthday yesterday and we had to take him for groceries. After groceries, he announces that he'd like to go for dinner, never mind the fact that we had a huge dinner thing for him on Sunday, spent a small fortune on steaks, etc...he wants to go out. Stupidly, we agree to go to (of all places) Denny's for dinner. It was gross, the service was lousy, I could see our meals sitting under the warmer for what seemed like forever before they arrived (the place was dead due to construction on the street outside the restaurant) and, like most restaurants, things at Denny's don't "work" when they're quiet. He really enjoyed dinner but ours was gross and I think that may have been why I felt so awful earlier today.

Fortunately, it's passed and I'm feeling good now. Tomorrow will be even better and soon, TOM will be gone for another 3+ weeks or so. Sometimes it's just not fun being a girl!

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