Sunday, March 02, 2003

I had another great weekend day.

Foodwise, I munched out a bit more than I usually would. Chalk it up to PMS. So far this month though, I've totally avoided anything chocolate. I'm so pleased with myself about that. Today though, we munched through a bag of Skinny Sticks during King of the Hill so it wasn't too bad. They are a good source of crunchy/savoury snack food. For me anyway...Exercise wise, I feel terrific tonight.

At the beginning of February, I set a goal to eat more veggies and to work up to being able to do a full 30 minutes (in a row) on my recumbent bike). Well, it's March 2 and I've totally got the more veggies thing down and today, I was able to complete the second program on my recumbent bike. It's a 30 minute program and the middle 10 minutes of it is at 7 resistence and a very fast pace. I was watching a taped episode of Eastenders while I peddled and I just kept watching Phil Mitchell's ugly bald head and wouldn't let myself stop. It was a really difficult program for me but I'm so thrilled that I finished it. I actually did the whole sweaty program!!

When I first started out on the bike, I'd ride 10 minutes and think I'd done something. I had warmed up for bike ride with some weigh work, when I was finished on the bike, I went outside and shovelled snow for a bit. I feel so good tonight and my calories were under again today. Not too low, just a little, I'm really happy about that. I managed to get through the weekend, keeping my eating totally on plan and working out every day.

I rock!!

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