Wednesday, March 05, 2003

This week is just flying by. I know that I say that every week but it's true!! I still felt thin today, which is great. Well, thinner actually. I'm still waiting on my period, it's a couple of days later than I thought but last month I was a whole week late. I know that my body is still just adjusting to the changes. I can feel my PMS happening though so it should be along anytime now!

I had a wicked good eating day today. I'm still working on my eat-more-veggies goal. I definitely ate more of the good stuff last month but I'm still increasing the amounts. This morning, I made a huge salad for my lunch, it had romaine, cherry tomato, red pepper, mushroom and a tonne of broccoli. I bought a small amount of low-fat smoked chicken breast at the deli last night so I had that too. It was delicious and it took me my whole lunch hour to eat it all (chewing all that broccoli takes time!). I've also started having my daily banana in my cereal. This way I eat less cereal and my breakfast takes me farther in the day. I also had my fat free yogurt at lunch and munched on carrots all afternoon. I feel a bit like a bunny but it all tasted so good and I feel great for it!

I'm not sure what's for dinner but it smells delicious. I think I'm gonna hit the bike for a quick ride before we eat. Hope you all had a healthy happy hump day!!

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