Saturday, March 22, 2003

Why are Saturday's such a struggle? I often find myself fighting the snack-monster on Saturday afternoon. Today's no exception. I've been keeping busy and that helps, but yikes, it's tough. I figure if I sit down and post right now, that will distract me for a few minutes. It's not like we have any junk food or bad crap in the house. If I did splurge on something, it would be organic microwave popcorn with a Diet Coke. I still want to resist because I don't need anything right now. I just want to much. Dumb huh?? I've been doing laundry and some other stuff around here this afternoon too. A lot of chores got neglected this week with all the trips to the hospital and what not.

I was able to get back into my regular workout routine this morning. As it had been a couple of days since I'd been on the bike, I chose the shorter program for today. Tomorrow I'll do the longer program and get back into that alternating thing I wrote about earlier in the week. I think that this will definitely work for me.

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